Source code for

import json
from threading import Thread
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import signature
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Lock
from typing import Union

from dictdiffer import diff
from tzlocal import get_localzone

from notion.logger import logger
from notion.settings import NOTION_CACHE_DIR
from notion.utils import extract_id, to_list

[docs]class MissingClass: def __bool__(self): return False
Missing = MissingClass()
[docs]class Callback: def __init__(self, callback: Callable, record, callback_id: str = None, **kwargs): self.callback = callback self.record = record self.callback_id = callback_id or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.extra_kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, difference, old_val, new_val): kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.extra_kwargs) kwargs["record"] = self.record kwargs["callback_id"] = self.callback_id kwargs["difference"] = difference kwargs["changes"] = self.record._convert_diff_to_changelist( difference, old_val, new_val ) logger.debug(f"Firing callback {self.callback} with kwargs: {kwargs}") # trim down the passed parameters # to include only those the callback will accept params = signature(self.callback).parameters if not any(["**" in str(p) for p in params.values()]): # there's no "**kwargs" in the callback signature, # so remove any unaccepted params for arg in kwargs.keys(): if arg not in params: del kwargs[arg] # perform the callback, gracefully handling any exceptions try: # trigger the callback within its own thread, # so it won't block others if it's long-running Thread(target=self.callback, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True).start() except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Error while processing callback for {repr(self.record)}: {repr(e)}" ) def __eq__(self, value: Union["Callback", str]) -> bool: if isinstance(value, str): return self.callback_id.startswith(value) if isinstance(value, Callback): return self.callback_id == value.callback_id return False
[docs]class RecordStore: """ Central Record Store. """ def __init__(self, client, cache_key=None): self._mutex = Lock() self._client = client self._cache_key = cache_key self._values = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) self._role = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str)) self._collection_row_ids = {} self._callbacks = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) self._records_to_refresh = {} self._pages_to_refresh = [] with self._mutex: self._load_cache() def _get(self, table: str, record_id: str): return self._values[table].get(record_id, Missing) def _get_cache_path(self, attribute): file = f"{self._cache_key}{attribute}.json" return str(Path(NOTION_CACHE_DIR) / file) def _load_cache(self, attributes=("_values", "_role", "_collection_row_ids")): if not self._cache_key: return for attr in attributes: try: with open(self._get_cache_path(attr)) as f: if attr == "_collection_row_ids": self._collection_row_ids.update(json.load(f)) else: for k, v in json.load(f).items(): getattr(self, attr)[k].update(v) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): pass def _save_cache(self, attribute): if not self._cache_key: return with open(self._get_cache_path(attribute), "w") as f: json.dump(getattr(self, attribute), f) def _trigger_callbacks(self, table, record_id, difference, old_val, new_val): for callback_obj in self._callbacks[table][record_id]: callback_obj(difference, old_val, new_val)
[docs] def set_collection_rows(self, collection_id: str, row_ids): if collection_id in self._collection_row_ids: old_ids = set(self.get_collection_rows(collection_id)) new_ids = set(row_ids) args = { "table": "collection", "record_id": collection_id, "old_val": old_ids, "new_val": new_ids, } for i in new_ids - old_ids: args["difference"] = [("row_added", "rows", i)] self._trigger_callbacks(**args) for i in old_ids - new_ids: args["difference"] = [("row_removed", "rows", i)] self._trigger_callbacks(**args) self._collection_row_ids[collection_id] = row_ids self._save_cache("_collection_row_ids")
[docs] def get_collection_rows(self, collection_id): return self._collection_row_ids.get(collection_id, [])
[docs] def get_role(self, table, record_id, force_refresh=False): self.get(table, record_id, force_refresh=force_refresh) return self._role[table].get(id, None)
[docs] def get(self, table, url_or_id, force_refresh=False): rid = extract_id(url_or_id) # look up the record in the current local dataset result = self._get(table, rid) # if it's not found, try refreshing the record from the server if result is Missing or force_refresh: if table == "block": self.call_load_page_chunk(rid) else: self.call_get_record_values(**{table: rid}) result = self._get(table, rid) return result if result is not Missing else None
[docs] def add_callback( self, record, callback: Callable, callback_id=None, **extra_kwargs ): if not callable(callback): raise ValueError(f"The callback {callback} must be a callable.") self.remove_callbacks(record._table,, callback_id) callback_obj = Callback( callback, record, callback_id=callback_id, extra_kwargs=extra_kwargs ) self._callbacks[record._table][].append(callback_obj) return callback_obj
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self, table, record_id: str, cb_or_cb_id_prefix=""): """ Remove all callbacks for the record specified by `table` and `id` that have a callback_id starting with the string `cb_or_cb_id_prefix`, or are equal to the provided callback. """ if cb_or_cb_id_prefix is None: return callbacks = self._callbacks[table][record_id] while cb_or_cb_id_prefix in callbacks: callbacks.remove(cb_or_cb_id_prefix)
def _update_record(self, table, record_id, value=None, role=None): callback_queue = [] with self._mutex: if role: logger.debug(f"Updating 'role' for '{table}/{record_id}' to '{role}'") self._role[table][record_id] = role self._save_cache("_role") if value: p_value = json.dumps(value, indent=2) logger.debug( f"Updating 'value' for '{table}/{record_id}' to \n{p_value}" ) old_val = self._values[table][record_id] difference = list( diff( old_val, value, ignore=["version", "last_edited_time", "last_edited_by"], expand=True, ) ) self._values[table][record_id] = value self._save_cache("_values") if old_val and difference: p_difference = json.dumps(value, indent=2) logger.debug(f"Value changed! Difference:\n{p_difference}") callback = (table, record_id, difference, old_val, value) callback_queue.append(callback) # run callbacks outside the mutex to avoid lockups for cb in callback_queue: self._trigger_callbacks(*cb)
[docs] def call_get_record_values(self, **kwargs): """ Call the server's getRecordValues endpoint to update the local record store. The keyword arguments map table names into lists of (or singular) record IDs to load for that table. Use True to refresh all known records for that table. """ requests = [] for table, ids in kwargs.items(): # TODO: ids can be `True` and if it is then we take every # key from collection_view into consideration, is it OK? if ids is True: ids = self._values.get(table, {}).keys() ids = to_list(ids) # if we're in a transaction, add the requested IDs # to a queue to refresh when the transaction completes if self._client.in_transaction(): records = self._records_to_refresh.get(table, []) + ids self._records_to_refresh[table] = list(set(records)) continue requests += [{"table": table, "id": extract_id(i)} for i in ids] if requests: logger.debug(f"Calling 'getRecordValues' endpoint for requests: {requests}") data = {"requests": requests} data ="getRecordValues", data).json() results = data["results"] for request, result in zip(requests, results): self._update_record( table=request["table"], record_id=request["id"], value=result.get("value"), role=result.get("role"), )
[docs] def get_current_version(self, table, record_id): values = self._get(table, record_id) if values and "version" in values: return values["version"] return -1
[docs] def call_load_page_chunk(self, page_id): if self._client.in_transaction(): self._pages_to_refresh.append(page_id) return data = { "pageId": page_id, "limit": 100000, "cursor": {"stack": []}, "chunkNumber": 0, "verticalColumns": False, } data ="loadPageChunk", data).json() self.store_record_map(data)
[docs] def store_record_map(self, data: dict) -> dict: data = data["recordMap"] for table, records in data.items(): for record_id, record in records.items(): self._update_record( table=table, record_id=record_id, value=record.get("value"), role=record.get("role"), ) return data
[docs] def call_query_collection( self, collection_id: str, collection_view_id: str, search: str = "", type: str = "table", aggregate: list = None, aggregations: list = None, filter: dict = None, filter_operator: str = "and", sort: list = [], calendar_by: str = "", group_by: str = "", ): # TODO: No idea what this is. if aggregate and aggregations: raise ValueError( "Use either `aggregate` or `aggregations` (old vs new format)" ) aggregate = to_list(aggregate or []) aggregations = aggregations or [] filter = to_list(filter or {}) sort = to_list(sort or []) data = { "collectionId": collection_id, "collectionViewId": collection_view_id, "loader": { "limit": 10000, "loadContentCover": True, "searchQuery": search, "userLocale": "en", "userTimeZone": str(get_localzone()), "type": type, }, "query": { "aggregate": aggregate, "aggregations": aggregations, "filter": { "filters": filter, "filter_operator": filter_operator, }, "sort": sort, }, } data ="queryCollection", data).json() self.store_record_map(data) return data["result"]
[docs] def handle_post_transaction_refreshing(self): for block_id in self._pages_to_refresh: self.call_load_page_chunk(block_id) self._pages_to_refresh = [] self.call_get_record_values(**self._records_to_refresh) self._records_to_refresh = {}
[docs] def run_local_operation(self, table, record_id, path, command, args): with self._mutex: path = deepcopy(path) new_val = deepcopy(self._values[table][record_id]) ref = new_val # loop and descend down the path until it's consumed, # or if we're doing a "set", there's one key left while (len(path) > 1) or (path and command != "set"): comp = path.pop(0) if comp not in ref: ref[comp] = [] if "list" in command else {} ref = ref[comp] if not isinstance(ref, dict) and not isinstance(ref, list): raise ValueError("IDK ev what") if command == "update": ref.update(args) if command == "set": if path: ref[path[0]] = args else: # case for "setting the top level" (i.e. creating a record) ref.clear() ref.update(args) if command == "listAfter": if "after" in args: ref.insert(ref.index(args["after"]) + 1, args["id"]) else: ref.append(args["id"]) if command == "listBefore": if "before" in args: ref.insert(ref.index(args["before"]), args["id"]) else: ref.insert(0, args["id"]) if command == "listRemove": try: ref.remove(args["id"]) except ValueError: pass self._update_record(table, record_id, value=new_val)