Source code for notion.block.upload

import os
from mimetypes import guess_type
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, quote

from notion.block.embed import EmbedBlock
from notion.maps import field_map, property_map
from notion.settings import SIGNED_URL_PREFIX
from notion.utils import human_size, from_list

[docs]class UploadBlock(EmbedBlock): """ Upload Block. """ file_id = field_map("file_ids.0")
[docs] def upload_file(self, path: str): """ Upload a file and embed it in Notion. Arguments --------- path : str Valid path to a file. Raises ------ HTTPError On API error. """ content_type = guess_type(path)[0] or "text/plain" file_name = os.path.split(path)[-1] data = {"bucket": "secure", "name": file_name, "contentType": content_type} resp ="getUploadFileUrl", data) resp.raise_for_status() resp_data = resp.json() url = resp_data["url"] signed_url = resp_data["signedPutUrl"] with open(path, mode="rb") as f: headers = {"Content-Type": content_type} resp = self._client.put(signed_url, data=f, headers=headers) resp.raise_for_status() query = urlencode( { "cache": "v2", "name": file_name, "id": self._id, "table": self._table, "userId":, } ) query_url = f"{url}?{query}" self.source = query_url self.display_source = query_url self.file_id = urlparse(url).path.split("/")[2]
[docs] def download_file(self, path: str): """ Download a file. Arguments --------- path : str Path for saving file. Raises ------ HTTPError On API error. """ record_data = self._get_record_data() source = record_data["properties"]["source"] s3_url = from_list(source) file_name = s3_url.split("/")[-1] params = { "cache": "v2", "name": file_name, "id": self._id, "table": self._table, "userId":, "download": True, } url = SIGNED_URL_PREFIX + quote(s3_url, safe="") resp = self._client.session.get(url, params=params, stream=True) resp.raise_for_status() with open(path, "wb") as f: for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): f.write(chunk)
[docs]class FileBlock(UploadBlock): """ File Block. """ _type = "file" size = property_map("size") title = property_map("title")
[docs] def upload_file(self, path: str): super().upload_file(path) self.size = human_size(path)
[docs]class PdfBlock(UploadBlock): """ PDF Block. """ _type = "pdf"
[docs]class VideoBlock(UploadBlock): """ Video Block. """ _type = "video"
[docs]class AudioBlock(UploadBlock): """ Audio Block. """ _type = "audio"
[docs]class ImageBlock(UploadBlock): """ Image Block. """ _type = "image"