Source code for notion.block.basic

from copy import deepcopy

from notion.maps import (
from notion.record import Record
from notion.settings import BASE_URL
from notion.utils import get_by_path

[docs]class Block(Record): """ Base class for every kind of notion block object. Most data in Notion is stored as a "block". That includes pages and all the individual elements within a page. These blocks have different types, and in some cases we create subclasses of this class to represent those types. Attributes on the `Block` are mapped to useful attributes of the server-side data structure, as properties, so you can get and set values on the API just by reading/writing attributes on these classes. We store a shared local cache on the `NotionClient` object of all block data, and reference that as needed from here. Data can be refreshed from the server using the `refresh` method. """ _table = "block" _type = "block" _str_fields = "type" # we'll mark it as an alias if we load the Block # as a child of a page that is not its parent _alias_parent = None _child_list_key = "content" type = field_map("type") alive = field_map("alive") def _convert_diff_to_changelist(self, difference, old_val, new_val): # TODO: cached property? mappers = {} for name in dir(self.__class__): field = getattr(self.__class__, name) if isinstance(field, Mapper): mappers[name] = field changed_fields = set() changes = [] remaining = [] content_changed = False for d in deepcopy(difference): operation, path, values = d # normalize path path = path if path else [] path = path.split(".") if isinstance(path, str) else path if operation in ["add", "remove"]: path.append(values[0][0]) while isinstance(path[-1], int): path.pop() path = ".".join(map(str, path)) # check whether it was content that changed if path == "content": content_changed = True continue # check whether the value changed matches # one of our mapped fields/properties fields = [ (name, field) for name, field in mappers.items() if path.startswith(field.path) ] if fields: changed_fields.add(fields[0]) continue remaining.append(d) if content_changed: old = deepcopy(old_val.get("content", [])) new = deepcopy(new_val.get("content", [])) # track what's been added and removed removed = set(old) - set(new) added = set(new) - set(old) for i in removed: changes.append(("content_removed", "content", i)) for i in added: changes.append(("content_added", "content", i)) # ignore the added/removed items, and see whether order has changed for i in removed: old.remove(i) for i in added: new.remove(i) if old != new: changes.append(("content_reordered", "content", (old, new))) for name, field in changed_fields: old = field.api_to_python(get_by_path(field.path, old_val)) new = field.api_to_python(get_by_path(field.path, new_val)) changes.append(("changed_field", name, (old, new))) return changes + super()._convert_diff_to_changelist( remaining, old_val, new_val )
[docs] def get_browseable_url(self) -> str: """ Return direct URL to given Block. Returns ------- str valid URL """ short_id ="-", "") if "page" in self._type: return BASE_URL + short_id else: return self.parent.get_browseable_url() + "#" + short_id
[docs] def remove(self, permanently: bool = False): """ Remove the node from its parent, and mark it as inactive. This corresponds to what happens in the Notion UI when you delete a block. Note that it doesn't *actually* delete it, just orphan it, unless `permanently` is set to True, in which case we make an extra call to hard-delete. Arguments --------- permanently : bool, optional Whether or not to hard-delete the block. Defaults to False. """ if self.is_alias: # only remove it from the alias parent's content list return self._client.build_and_submit_transaction( record_id=self._alias_parent, path="content", args={"id":}, command="listRemove", ) with self._client.as_atomic_transaction(): # Mark the block as inactive self._client.build_and_submit_transaction(, path="", args={"alive": False}, command="update" ) # Remove the block's ID from a list on its parent, if needed if self.parent._child_list_key: self._client.build_and_submit_transaction(, path=self.parent._child_list_key, args={"id":}, command="listRemove", table=self.parent._table, ) if permanently: data = {"blockIds": [], "permanentlyDelete": True}"deleteBlocks", data=data) del self._client._store._values["block"][]
[docs] def move_to(self, target_block: "Block", position="last-child"): if position not in ["first-child", "last-child", "before", "after"]: raise ValueError("Provided value for position is not valid.") if "child" in position: new_parent_id = new_parent_table = "block" else: new_parent_id = target_block.get("parent_id") new_parent_table = target_block.get("parent_table") if position in ["first-child", "before"]: list_command = "listBefore" else: list_command = "listAfter" args = {"id":} if position in ["before", "after"]: args[position] = with self._client.as_atomic_transaction(): # First, remove the node, before we re-insert # and re-activate it at the target location self.remove() if not self.is_alias: # Set the parent_id of the moving block to the new parent, # and mark it as active again self._client.build_and_submit_transaction(, path="", args={ "alive": True, "parent_id": new_parent_id, "parent_table": new_parent_table, }, command="update", ) else: self._alias_parent = new_parent_id # Add the moving block's ID to the "content" list of the new parent self._client.build_and_submit_transaction( record_id=new_parent_id, path="content", args=args, command=list_command, ) # update the local block cache to reflect the updates self._client.refresh_records( block=[, self.get("parent_id"),, target_block.get("parent_id"), ] )
[docs] def change_lock(self, locked: bool): """ Set or free the lock according to the value passed in `locked`. Arguments --------- locked : bool Whether or not to lock the block. """ user_id = args = {"block_locked": locked, "block_locked_by": user_id} with self._client.as_atomic_transaction(): self._client.build_and_submit_transaction(, path="format", args=args, command="update", ) # update the local block cache to reflect the updates self._client.refresh_records(block=[])
@property def children(self): """ Get block children. Returns ------- Children Children of this block. """ if not self._children: children_ids = self.get("content", []) self._client.refresh_records(block=children_ids) # TODO: can we do something about that without breaking # the current code layout? from notion.block.children import Children self._children = Children(parent=self) return self._children @property def is_alias(self): return self._alias_parent is not None @property def parent(self): parent_id = self._alias_parent parent_table = "block" if not self.is_alias: parent_id = self.get("parent_id") parent_table = self.get("parent_table") getter = getattr(self._client, f"get_{parent_table}") if getter: return getter(parent_id) return None
[docs]class BasicBlock(Block): _type = "block" _str_fields = "title" title = property_map("title") title_plaintext = plaintext_property_map("title") color = field_map("format.block_color")
[docs]class DividerBlock(Block): _type = "divider"
[docs]class ColumnBlock(Block): """ Should be added as children of a ColumnListBlock. """ _type = "column" column_ratio = field_map("format.column_ratio")
[docs]class ColumnListBlock(Block): """ Must contain only ColumnBlocks as children. """ _type = "column_list"
[docs] def evenly_space_columns(self): with self._client.as_atomic_transaction(): for child in self.children: child.column_ratio = 1 / len(self.children)
[docs]class PageBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "page" icon = prefixed_field_map("format.page_icon") cover = prefixed_field_map("format.page_cover")
[docs]class TextBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "text"
[docs]class CalloutBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "callout" icon = field_map("format.page_icon")
[docs]class CodeBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "code" language = property_map("language") wrap = field_map("format.code_wrap")
[docs]class LinkToPageBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "link_to_page"
[docs]class EquationBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "equation" latex = nested_field_map("properties.title")
[docs]class QuoteBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "quote"
[docs]class ToDoBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "to_do" _str_fields = "checked" checked = boolean_property_map("checked")
[docs]class ToggleBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "toggle"
[docs]class HeaderBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "header"
[docs]class SubHeaderBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "sub_header"
[docs]class SubSubHeaderBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "sub_sub_header"
[docs]class BulletedListBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "bulleted_list"
[docs]class NumberedListBlock(BasicBlock): _type = "numbered_list"
[docs]class FactoryBlock(BasicBlock): """ Also known as a "Template Button" The title is the button text, and the children are the templates to clone. """ _type = "factory"